Mewing is praised in a lot of videos on YouTube and TikTok; however, there isn’t much proof that it works. Mewing is a face-reconstruction technique where you contour your jawline by keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
According to some proponents, mewing can aid with respiratory difficulties, orthodontic problems, jaw pain, and facial reshaping for a more defined jawline. On the other hand, professionals have advised against trying mewing if you have jaw problems that require surgery or orthodontic work.
Where Does Mewing Come From?
It’s not a medical term for mewl. It bears the name of Dr. John Mew, a British orthodontist who pioneered the technique in the 1970s with his orthotropic orthodontic alternative practice.
Orthotropics alters the jawline and facial form via appliances, workouts, and oral posture. Originally, it was meant to help shape a child’s jaw and align teeth for a more pleasing appearance, according to
The Mews argued that rather than the generally acknowledged hereditary link, human jaw size is decreasing due to environmental and lifestyle variables, such as eating soft food and breathing through the mouth. Smaller jaws may crowd teeth and alter the structure of the face, according to their theory. Mewing is said to assist in solving this problem by strengthening and expanding the jaw, realigning teeth, and resulting in a more square-shaped jawline.
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How To Mew
The London School of Facial Orthotropics states that the fundamentals of mewing include keeping your mouth shut with:
The tongue makes contact with the palate
The mouth squeezed close together.
The upper and lower teeth in contact or almost in contact
Does Mewing Work?
Mewing work has not been shown to permanently change the shape of your jaw in any reliable study. Furthermore, there’s no proof that mewing helps cure conditions including sleep apnea, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), sinusitis, or breathing difficulties.
The London School of Facial Orthotropics, which is supported by John and Mike Mew, is the source of the majority of the claims. Online photos that make a promise about before and after mewing are also suspect because of the shot angle and lighting issues. Try mewing during a photo shoot, and at most, you might get a momentary contoured look.
The observation that human jaws are shrinking is confirmed by research, supporting John Mew’s theory. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that a child’s jaw growth is impacted by their oral posture or the way they arrange their teeth and tongue.
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Potential Risks
Mewing won’t likely successfully modify your teeth or jawline, but attempting to change the anatomy of your jaw without a doctor’s advice can be dangerous. You shouldn’t try to alter your jawline or teeth by mewing. If you’re worried about problems with your jaw structure, instead consult a medical professional. They are qualified to assess the intricacies of your facial shape and devise a course of action.
A lot of work goes into facial reshaping, which includes changing the soft tissue, bones, and jaw. Changing your jawline without consulting a professional could harm these entwined areas permanently, and you can also check it out on
Treatment Alternatives to Mewing
You will probably need to consult an orthodontist if the misaligned jaw, known as malocclusion, is the cause of your jaw form, pain, or dental problems. Treatment options for a misaligned jaw can vary depending on what caused it.
Surgery: To help straighten the upper and lower jaws, corrective jaw surgery is performed.
Repairing teeth: Reforming or filling up crooked teeth that lead to crowding
Orthodontics: Using metal bands or braces affixed to dental bonding to correct the alignment of teeth
Teeth extraction: Extraction of teeth that contribute to crowding Cosmetic surgery and treatments are alternative possibilities if you wish to alter the aesthetics of your jawline or face composition. These cosmetic operations do, however, carry a unique set of hazards and can be highly expensive. Among the techniques to change your jawline are:
Face contouring: Surgery to modify your jawline, chin, and cheeks by either adding implants or eliminating fat
Dermal fillers (jawline contour treatment): Gel injected into the jaw’s surrounding tissue to reshape or sharpen the jaw’s symmetry